Letting go is the beginning of empowerment and perhaps the least celebrated focus of successful leadership culture.
No one I know puts it so clearly in word and deed as Stefanie Peters, founder of enable2grow, partner of AAA-Advisors and member of the supervisory board of shjft AG.
I envy you, dear Stefanie, for your year on the boat, I will miss you as a preferred sparring partner for a year, but I can already confirm that you have put all roles in the right hands - i.e. let go perfectly!
Your text on this is inspiring: www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7080115372338630657/ and the link to the HBR article presented there I also like to share here: hbr.org/2023/03/how-to-equip-your-team-to-problem-solve-without-you
All AAA Advisors wish you and your crew a safe journey on your great sailing adventure. And we look forward to seeing you again in about a year!
Picture from unsplash.com: Pham Chung