Thomas Meyer

Throughout his operative career, Thomas has learnt to successfully build, grow, and manage a significant number of businesses in the wider world of B2B Finance, in international C-level positions with ABB Group and J.P. Morgan.


Balancing agile, innovative entrepreneurship with consequent risk management and benchmark governance, as well as combining decision-driven management with intensive talent management proved to be a constant line through all his challenges.

You can draw on this experience, but he would like to go the extra mile with you: Learning by innovating businesses in an ever more digital world, with parallel emphasis on both outside-the-box solutions and governance, in strategy and in operations.

  • Strategic and innovative development for growth
  • Negotiating differing agendas with top stakeholders
  • Building effective compliance structures by aligning all involved risk management functions
  • Supporting non-executive directors, founders, and owners
  • Individual coach and sparring partner

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T. Meyer

Boards for Start-Ups ? !

New, better and successful things only emerge from extremely focused thoughts! It is precisely with this kind of focus that start-ups lack the money and time for many corporate management…

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"Leadership is “walking the talk” and providing an environment based on the core values of commitment, moral integrity, freedom of one’s own and respect for other’s opinions. That’s what Advisory with passion for impact in existing and new businesses is all about."