Michael Marbler
Think straight – talk straight.
Integrity and expertise are the basis of a trustful and successful collaboration between owner, management and advisor.
With over 20 years of experience as a partner in international auditing and consulting firms, Michael Marbler knows what really matters for owners, advisory and supervisory boards and the C - level in the financial sector. His clients have included leading companies in the global SME sector in Germany. Today, he advises entrepreneurs and companies in the upper mid-market and young companies as an independent, freelance senior advisor.
With wide experience both as an auditor in M-Dax companies, at top international companies and in family-run medium-sized businesses and also as an advisor in the areas of transactions, governance (ICS, compliance, internal audit), family constitution and succession issues, I now support entrepreneurs and companies holistically as a sparring partner at eye level.
- Process optimization of finance functions
- Development and optimization of internal monitoring systems (internal control system, risk management)
- Comprehensive analyses and solutions in the area of accounting and financing
- Financial expert (in accordance to the German Stock Corporation Act)
- Consulting on all family governance issues
- Support in M&A transactions
- Interim–CEO und CFO
With many years of experience in the financial sector, I see myself as an independent contact at eye level for entrepreneurs, entrepreneurial families and management in the upper mid-market.