Mario Spitzer

With over 30 years of CEO experience in Japan with various subsidiaries of large German family-owned companies, I have profound knowledge of Japanese business and corporate culture. 

With my experience in B2B and B2C sales, I support market entries in an advisory capacity. For existing organizations, I validate existing processes without bias and advise on Japan-specific alternatives. I understand how to mediate between business cultures and contribute to process optimization through better understanding and acceptance. My expertise is not limited to marketing and sales and is also characterized by solid knowledge in the tangential areas of human resources, logistics, finance and technology with their Japanese specifics compared to European markets.


I conduct meetings and negotiations in Japanese as well, and with decades as a CEO in Japan, I also understand communications that are not explicitly expressed, support the interpretation of results, and provide country-specific guidance on decisions as needed. I can specifically validate statements on country-specific customs.

    • Reduce communication barriers between cultures
    • Create mutual understanding on the different approaches.
    • Unbiased validation of statements on Japan-specific topics
    • Consulting on personnel decisions
    • Assessing the implementation of jointly made decisions in the Japanese organization

    Recently published

    M. Spitzer

    Restructuring Sales Through a New Pricing Strategy

    In order to understand the redesign of the pricing strategy and the restructuring of the sales process, it is important to first clearly understand the initial situation.


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    Mutual understanding and specific knowledge of language and culture are the indispensable base for successful decisions in the Japanese market!