A warm welcome to Peter Roos as a new member of AAA-Advisors!
We are delighted that Peter Roos is now also enriching our network with his expertise. His experience is the result of three decades in top management, in roles as board member and managing director in large corporates, agencies and medium-sized companies.
His international and intercultural background and corresponding successes in operational and strategic corporate development have given him a wealth of experience, which he is happy to pass on as part of his consultancy mandates.
Peter has long been involved as a pioneer and trailblazer in various corporate phases, including change management in the course of succession planning and generational transitions.
He also works as an executive coach and has been involved in current research into management, leadership and personal development for several years. Peter Roos is therefore regarded as a top insider in his field and a proven leadership expert.
Welcome, Peter - we very much welcome your input!